Thursday, April 12, 2012

Tears of joy...

By:  Mr.Indu prakash singh
Indo-Global Social Service Society {IGSSS} (10th Jan., 2012, 01:22 am)

Tears of joy welled my eyes, to see the CityMakers (homeless citizens) families: children, youth, women , men, elderly ... being elated to sleep peacefully  in a shelter. A shelter that we created / crafted , by involving the CityMakers (CMs) themselves.  A roof and walls – all of canvas, and it became a home.  We had for a long been toying with the idea of creating this shelter, in front of our office, open  space, owned by the Government -- we the people of India.
Just in few hours, the shelter was up and running from 6th Jan., 2012. A night when it rained heavily, the CMs, around 20 of them had a place  to protect themselves.
It also came up due to:
1.      Our total acceptance of CMs, as one of us, deserving all the rights and entitlements
2.      Our over more than 12 long years of engagement with the CMs
3.      A deep faith in ourselves, humanity, love, care and concern for the ones who have missed crossing the threshold of prosperity, joy, happiness .... To be consigned to the dustbins of development.  Doormated, dispelled, dehabilitated,   doomed, destituted,  devastated ....
4.      An outrage at the ill treatment meted out by police (inhuman beatings and torture) and government agencies
5.      RWAs and Plot Holders Associations having closed their heart to the CMs and the Constitution of India
6.      High costs of putting up shelters (thin tin cold storages – Trishankus {neither on firm stable ground, nor in the sky, closer to Moon, as one builder, Supertech advertised})
7.      Government opening shelters at places where the CMs never are, or never can reach or never can access
I’ve never been so happy (in the last more than a decade) as today, to see this structure, called home. Though tenuous, yet  remarkably  comforting; at no cost, but saving lives;  with no amenities, yet welcome;  no managers, still running or rather self – managed ....
Is it too much to dream, the same dream, that our freedom fighters dreamt of, while throwing out the British colonialists? That our very own Constitution of India, proclaims -“WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into  a sovereign socialist secular democratic republic  and to secure to all its citizens: JUSTICE, social, economic and political; LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship; EQUALITY of status and of opportunity; and to promote among them all FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the Nation.”
Can government give up the stratagems that it’s wont to play? : 

1.      First not doing its task of preparing  a long term plan and  opening permanent shelter, as asked by both the Apex court of the country (on 20th Jan 2010, The Supreme Court of India ordered “ Direct the Government of Delhi, the Muncipal Corporation of Delhi, the New Delhi Municipal Corporation and Cantonment Board to set up at least 140 permanent shelters for people living on the streets by December, 2010.”) and the High Court of Delhi (13.1.2010 & 22.1.2010), way back in January 2010.
2.      Then calling the NGOs corrupt (stated in Minutes prepared by MNGO of the meeting on 3rd Sept., 2011: “On 30th August Dr Amod met the new CEO, DUSIB, Mr. Ashwani. He explained that the DUSIB is willing to run the shelters as per the court’s decision but it will not make any payment to the NGOs after the month of April. He expressed his deep unhappiness about the role of the NGOs in the entire matter and considered many of the NGOs to be corrupt.”)
3.       Using MNGO (St. Stephen’s Hospital ) to battle with NGOs on behalf of the government,   and refusing to pay for over nine months (until the Hon’ble High Court of Delhi intervened {six times in the past from 6th July, 2011 onwards } and noted on 13.12.2011 finally, that DUSIB will pay the NGOs on 14th Dec., 2011) and,
4.      Ultimately giving the shelters (permanent (62), temporary{40 tin, 9 tents, 11 BVKs – basti vikas kendras}) to NGOs to run.

We are committed to creating shelters spaces all over Delhi, and permanent one at that. We are grateful to the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India and the Hon’ble High Court of Delhi for  taking up the cause of the CityMakers (homeless citizens), bereft of any care and concern of the Government.  Had it not been for the Courts, many CityMakers wouldn’t have survived to see 2012. We need to save lives, very precious indeed! We all need to join hands, in making Delhi and other cities of India and the world, a home for all!
Time to create more such homes, in our hearts, then  with hearths,  and a song full of hope that will craft homes for all, health for all, food for all, education  for all, livelihood for all adults....  All in all!

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